Opening hours

Strandfürdő nyitvatartás

Kedves Vendégeink!

Felhívjuk szíves figyelmüket, hogy a strandfürdő üzemelő medencéi a gyógyfürdőn keresztül közelíthetőek meg.

Üzemelő medencéinkről jegyváltás előtt szíveskedjék tájékozódni kollégáinktól, illetve honlapunkról.

Parkolójegy ára:

1.000,- Ft/nap/személygépkocsi

Nyugágy bérlés : 1.000,-Ft/nap/nyugágy


Felhívjuk szíves figyelmüket, hogy a csúszdapark részlegesen üzemel. Balestvédelmi okokból üzemidőben a csúszda működését az üzemeltető felfüggesztheti. A csúszadaprk üzemideje: 10-18 óra

Kellemes pihenést kívánunk!



Gyógyfürdő nyitvatartás

Kedves Vendégeink!


A fürdő nyitva tartása:

Hétfőtől péntekig: 8.00-19.00

Szombat-vasánap: 9.00-19.00

Kérjük jegyváltás előtt szíveskedjenek a belépési feltételekről, illetve az üzemelő medencékről honlapunkon, vagy elérhetőségeinken tájékozódni!

Tisztelt Vendégeink!

2022. szeptember hó 26. napjától a szaunák, a jacuzzik és a gőzkabin az alábbiak szerint üzemelnek:

Hétfőtől péntekig. 12.00 - 18.00 óráig

Szombat -vasárnap és ünnepnapokon : 9.00 - 18.00 óráig


Tel: 74/465-454


Rheumatológiai szakrendelés


Why subscribe?

Our story

Gunaras is situated in Tolna County, some 3 kms from Dombóvár. Since 1977, its medicinal water has helped restore the health of visitors who suffer from motor system disorders, gastric, intestinal or spleen conditions, or gynaecological, gum or mouth diseases. The treatments are also effective post-operation as well as for certain respiratory and cardiovascular problems, and skin diseases.

Up until the first half of the last century, present-day Gunarasfürdő was a goose pond, hence the name (literally, 'Goose Spa'). Local tradition has it that the women who worked on the nearby cornfields would wash their feet at the spring on their way home. They then told others that the water alleviates and even eliminates rheumatic pain. The first stage of the construction was commenced on 16 July 1972 and completed on 15 May 1973.

The construction project was to a great extent funded from public subscription. Of the 8,000 people who worked in the town at the time, 7,162 sacrificed one day's wages for the success of the construction.

It was envisaged that a holiday resort would be erected in the vicinity of the spa. In the initial phase, 210 plots were allocated.

The spa opened on 19 May 1973 with two thermal pools, 215 cubic metres each,  two 2 children's pools,  35 cubic metres each, a two-story building for changing rooms and lockers for 1,800 people, and a cafeteria for 150 visitors.

The spa was first expanded in 1974, when a 20x50 metre pool (1,500 cubic metres) was built to cater for the sporting needs of especially the younger visitor.

The spa also has an artificial lake, where the used water of the pools is discharged. Only one year after the opening, visitors could already go boating or water biking on the 100 metre wide and 100 metre long lake.

Hotel Gunaras, built by IBUSZ, was opened in 1976 with 54 beds. A co-op grocery store opened a year later.

As the number of facilities increased at the spa, so did the number of weekend homes in the area. By 1977, 279 such resorts had been built, and construction works were underway on another 108 plots. The number of visitors also rose constantly:

1973:               68,027 visitors

1974:               84,469 visitors

1975:               100,593 visitors

1976:               120,832 visitors

The number of visitors nearly doubled in four year. As a result of this fact and continued requests from the visitors, the spa was winterised. It was envisaged that the indoor spa would have the following facilities:

  • - changing rooms for men and women (300 each), showers and toilets
  • - foyer, lounge
  • - covered spa hall with three pools:
  • one 15x8 metre pool (86 cubic metres)
  • two small pools (22 cubic metres)

Thirty-five percent of the costs of the construction of the winter spa, or HUF 2 million, was funded from public subscription. The construction works were completed in 10 months, so that the new indoor spa, which had a base area of 1,330 square metres, could be opened one month before the planned deadline, on 30 November 1977. The Health Minister awarded medicinal spa status to Gunaras on the same day. The second phase of the indoor spa, i.e. the construction of the medical section and the current capacity was completed by the end of December 1982.

In 1986, a new service was introduced: a giant slide and a new cold-water pool were opened to the public.

The spa is situated in an 8-hectare park. Visitors can relax in the shadows of the trees that surround the 1-hectare lake also located on the premises.

The open-air swimming pool is open in the season, and offers a range of facilities for all age groups. The staff of highly qualified experts at the medical section provide diverse medicinal treatments to those who wish to restore or preserve their health.